by Online Business Training Courses | Wednesday, October 15, 2014 | 02 Market the small Business (Business Planning), 06 Plan small Business Finances, 07 Marketing Action Plan, 14 Productivity, Business Secrets, News, small business management, training courses
In a couple of our recent posts, we’ve talked about… well, we’ve talked about my family, largely, but we’ve also talked about things like planning and strategising and setting goals for yourself, as well as having confidence in ourselves. Now I just want to add one...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, October 9, 2014 | 06 Plan small Business Finances, 14 Productivity, Course topics, News, small business management, training courses
We mentioned in a previous post that in business you’re always managing and taking risks and that part of managing and minimising these risks is planning. Planning is fundamental part of operating a business, which is why many of the subjects in our Small Business...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, October 2, 2014 | 03 Legal & Risk Management, 04 Protect & Use Intangible Assets, 14 Productivity, News, small business management, training courses
When you’re starting a new business, it’s important that you have a good grasp of the law to ensure you don’t find yourself in hot water later on down the track. We cover general and intellectual property law in our Small Business Management course, and we’ve also...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, September 25, 2014 | 02 Market the small Business (Business Planning), 06 Plan small Business Finances, 07 Marketing Action Plan, 14 Productivity, Business Secrets, News, small business management, training courses
A little while ago, we published a post about goal setting, where we suggested that you start setting some short-term business goals that will help deliver your long-term business goals. The majority of people are familiar with long-term goal setting; it’s a...
by Online Business Training Courses | Monday, September 22, 2014 | 04 Protect & Use Intangible Assets, Business Secrets, Business Tools, News, small business management
In a previous post we talked about why and how you would go about protecting your business name, which we also cover in a lot more detail in the Intellectual Property and General Law module of our Small Business Management and Start-Up course. In this post, we thought...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, September 18, 2014 | 04 Protect & Use Intangible Assets, Business Secrets, Business Tools, News, small business management
In our Small Business Management and Start-Up Course, we feature a module about protecting your intangible assets, which relates to your intellectual property rights, such as your right to use your business name. Few people are aware of when they need to register...
by Online Business Training Courses | Monday, September 15, 2014 | 03 Legal & Risk Management, Business Secrets, Business Tools, News, small business management, training courses
In the module of our Small Business Management and Start-Up course that covers establishing legal risk and management, we talk about choosing the right business structure for your business. Depending on your circumstances – and your business idea, of course – you may...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, September 11, 2014 | 02 Market the small Business (Business Planning), 06 Plan small Business Finances, 07 Marketing Action Plan, 14 Productivity, Business Secrets, Business Tools, News, small business management, small business marketing
In a previous post we talked about how important it is to plan and keep taking risks in business. A big part of planning is goal setting; in fact, the two are so intimately linked, it’s impossible to really do one without the other. In our Small Business Management...
by Online Business Training Courses | Monday, September 8, 2014 | 02 Market the small Business (Business Planning), 06 Plan small Business Finances, 14 Productivity, News, small business management, small business marketing
We often talk about how important it is for businesses to make plans – marketing plans, financial plans, business plans; they’re all subjects we cover in our Small Business Management and Start-Up Course. The reason we suggest all this planning is that it helps you to...
by Online Business Training Courses | Thursday, September 4, 2014 | Business Secrets, News, small business management
Even though people primarily stay in contact with each other by email – and in business, it’s become one of the preferred ways to stay in contact with customers, clients and suppliers – the telephone is still a very important mode of communication, and that’s why we...
by Online Business Training Courses | Friday, August 29, 2014 | 06 Plan small Business Finances, Business Secrets, News, small business management, training courses
This is the last post in a series of posts about financial planning for small business, which coincide with a module on planning small business finances from our Small Business Management Course. Here, we’re going to look at the most important part of the financial...
by Online Business Training Courses | Wednesday, August 27, 2014 | 06 Plan small Business Finances, Business Secrets, News, small business management, training courses
We’re been publishing a series of posts about financial planning for small businesses, which is also a module in our Small Business Management course. We recently looked at the very important aspect of any healthy business: cash flow, which brings us to another way of...