If you receive this blog post via email then you’re a subscriber to our email marketing system which is currently Aweber.

We may be moving shortly to Mailchimp because of the most unbelievable increase in price we’ve ever seen for any software product known to mankind!
UPDATE: Mailchimp is MUCH more expensive for the features we use 🙁
Aweber has a few features that we liked compared to Mailchimp when the business was sold to us by Maggie Richardson and one was the ability to attach something to an email. Apart from that it was a little clunky compared to MailChimp.

Email Marketing software programs all have their little quirks and ways of earning more money from you and Mailchimp is famous for charging you for people who’ve unsubscribed from your email list! Their reasoning is that you can “retarget them through Google Ads”.
I understand why you’d want to retarget old subscribers – to continue to get your brand in front of people who know you, but isn’t that also called “flogging a dead horse!”.
Back to Aweber..

They previously charged an annual fee to use the service and then a monthly fee based on the number of subscribers you have. It seems like that way is no longer a good way.
Do you use Email Marketing software?
We’ve noticed a big change in job descriptions over the last 10 years where office and business admin staff are doing more and more of the customer service, marketing and even sales tasks!

The Online Business Administration course, which includes an internship is aimed at helping you become the best office and business admin person you can be.
If you are a subscriber who wants to stay connected please watch out for announcements as we migrate from Aweber to Mailchimp.
Be the best remote worker you can be for Office Admin and Business Admin jobs with our online training courses.