CASE STUDIES: ‘Innovative’ Australian Businesses

CASE STUDIES: ‘Innovative’ Australian Businesses

Alternative Funding Routes for Innovative Australian Businesses We spoke about the measures the Government has taken to encourage Australian entrepreneurs to start innovative businesses in Australia, by making it easier to obtain funding, through a number of tax...

All Work And No Play: Overtime in Australia

Why do Aussies work without pay? Starting a new business is really hard work. In the early days it’s not uncommon to work long hours while you’re establishing yourself, and even once you are established, there are still those occasions where you’ll have to put in...
How To Obtain an International Trademark

How To Obtain an International Trademark

Looking to take your business overseas? A trademark is a recognizable sign, design or expression that identifies a product or service of a particular business or individual. It may include a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or combination of these...
Hourly Rates vs PBRs

Hourly Rates vs PBRs

Most Clients Don’t Like Paying an Hourly Rate … Unless It’s a Low One Settling on a pricing structure for your new business is something many new independent contractors agonise over, particularly those in the professional services space. As a...