
One of the best ways of learning something is to ask someone who’s gone through it already. Sure your opinions may differ but with some tips and hints and ideas on what to look out for you’ll be in a much better position to make an informed decision.

Our Academic Director has had the opportunity of working with and speaking with some successful and experienced people in all sorts of professionals and he has asked many of the questions that business owners are interested in.

Small Business Startup and Administration

01 Originate and Develop Concepts
02 Business Planning and Marketing Introduction
03 Establish Legal and Risk Management
04 Intellectual Property and General Law
05 Researching the Market

Small Business Marketing Training Courses

07 Marketing Action Plan
14 Networking and Referrals (coaching)
08 Undertake Marketing Activities

Small Business Sales Training Courses

11 Selling your Products and Services (NEW!)
12 Customer Service (In Development)

Small Business Operations Training Courses

09 Monitor and Manage Small Business Operations
16 Systemising your Business (Coaching)
15 Hiring and Managing People (Coaching)

Small Business Finance Training Courses

06 Plan Small Business Finances
10 Report on Financial Activities
13 Valuations and Raising Capital