Keeping you on track when starting your own business
When you start your own business it’s easy to get overwhelmed, distracted and disheartened. One of the keys to success is realistic goal setting.
People talk a lot about setting goals; the theory being that by writing down what you want to achieve, you’ll actually make yourself stick to it. I don’t know if it works quite like that, but I do believe setting goals in business and your career will help you achieve them.
A map for success
By writing down your career goals, and all the steps you’ll need to take along the way, it becomes like a blueprint for your success. This helps you stay focused and motivated, and keep you on track to achieving your overall career goal.
Mentoring and support can help
If your career goal is to start your own business, outlining how you’re going to get there will help you, not just start your business, but to also be successful in it. We’ve previously covered a bunch of questions you can ask yourself when first contemplating starting a business.
Another way is to seek the advice of a mentor. A mentor will listen objectively to the issue you and your business is facing. Often a mentor can help you to set realistic and achievable goals that will help you realise your ultimate career goal of starting your own business and stop you getting overwhelmed, disheartened or distracted along the way.
The WorkFace Career Academy Program describes the logical process you can take to help you achieve your goal of starting a business. It starts with finding a business opportunity that aligns with what you like doing and your skill set.
Working your way to success
By working your way through the WorkFace Career Academy goals you’ll learn what it is that keeps you motivated in the workplace, how to begin a career plan, and what kinds of achievable goals you need to set.
Interested in starting a bookkeeping business? You’ll learn how to start a bookkeeping business and operate it on a contract or casual basis from your home office. And you’ll learn how to stay relevant in an ever-changing industry.