Remote ContractorsIf one considers the total number of Australian’s who use oDesk as a percentage of our total population, then Australia as a country is oDesk’s largest customer.

It seems that Australian’s are among the fastest adapters to online working platforms like oDesk. It’s a sign that we have noticed around here at the ASBC as well, judging by the number of students across Australia who are now enquiring about our small business course. The beauty of now being able to offer our course online is that we are able to help thousands more people start their course — whenever they want and at their own pace.

In December 2012 we announced that our small business management training content was going online and we are very excited about 2013 and the number of people we are going to be able to help. Perhaps you recall our previous post about social media in which we introduced Michael Griffith? He is one of many successful small business owners who will share their stories with you via this blog and in our small business course. Stay tuned for more blog posts and make sure you subscribe to receive them in your email inbox.

Perhaps you have any questions about legal structures like:

  • Sole Trader
  • Partnerships
  • Proprietary Limited Company

Please feel free to share your questions at our facebook page and help us build up a nice big list of questions for our legal expert.

Watch the Video

Take a look at this video taken at Fishburners technology incubator in Ultimo, Sydney, where Greg Swart (oDesk CEO) helped budding entrepreneurs learn from the experience he has gained building the world’s fastest growing online workplace.

We pledge to bring you some of the most up-to-date — and relevant — training on starting and growing a small business in Australia. In the very near future we will be featuring information from successful entrepreneur and business owner Mark Darling about how to be innovative when solving problems, along with David Hall on how to create a fantastic customer experience. Stay tuned!

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start and grow a business that you can run from anywhere!