PayPal helps business get paid faster with either Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks

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I always find it interesting when an accounting software company touts the fact that their clients can get paid faster using their software.

The fact is that any cloud-based accounting software makes it easier to interact with other cloud services like PayPal.

Now that I got that rant out of the way, these connections are usually called Integrations and you can find these integrations at the software vendors pages.

The only time you need to begin to worry about some of these integrations is when either of these companies give their own Add-ons priority listings at their website because they own them, after all they all seem to be buying some of the most popular integrations!

Get paid faster because of PayPal

Yes, cloud accounting software like Xero, QuickBooks Online and MYOB’s Essentials software can all help businesses get paid quicker because they have an integration with PayPal or other payment gateways (Stripe is now a common alternative to PayPal).

Want to learn and master cloud accounting software? Checkout these Cloud Bookkeeping Software courses.

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