Web Hosting

STOP! Before you rush into your online marketing, stop and talk to us about Domain Names. Are you choosing one that will WORK for you. Before you get emotionally attached to your chosen name talk it over. In a short consult (phone) you will see how important it is to get it right – and then we can organise your domain and emails before you do your business cards

Let’s get it right first time and keep your website OUT of the Google Sandbox.

You may be starting a business and need a quick online presence?
You may already in business but haven’t done a website yet?
You need a website but you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars.

You need to have control over your OWN website – the ability to update on a regular basis.
You need to build your own GOOGLE credibility.

Website Value Pack
Website Hosting. Basic Level – $274/yr 1. – $224/yr 2
• One domain name ( 2 years)
• Unlimited email addresses,
• Help with set up of emails,
• Website builder with over 1100 templates,
• Help with website setup.
• Management module for website so that changes can be made easily.
• As an added bonus we bring you notes on CONTENT MANAGEMENT to ensure Google will look at your site. If your business relies on being seen on the web you must get this right.
• Plus one month free trial of website tracking Information invaluable to keyword management and matching of other advertising.

Phone 1300 – 302 – 698 today and ensure that your clients know that you are seriously in business.

Web Site Tracking

What is happening on your website? Are you able to view statistics that are relevant to your area. We Among more general information, your visitors can be tracked to time of visit, referral site (e.g. google.com.au) Suburb, pages visited, length of stay on each page, and the diamond in the crown – Suburb and State of Australia. There is even a world map that shows up to your last 1,000 visitors. Now you are able to verify advertising responses to your site.