Psst.. Xero uses NPS to Succeed. Lessons for all Online Businesses including Startups. How Customer Service Makes a Difference.

Psst.. Xero uses NPS to Succeed. Lessons for all Online Businesses including Startups. How Customer Service Makes a Difference.

As a business owner, you need to deliver great service to your customers. And, you want them to see the effort you put into creating an excellent experience for them. There are MANY different facets and technologies used by a typical small business and Typical...
Hacking happens: Prepare for it and protect your Xero data with Google Authenticator or Authy from Twilio

Hacking happens: Prepare for it and protect your Xero data with Google Authenticator or Authy from Twilio

Source: The harsh truth is that most people will get hacked at some point in their lives. Hacking can happen to the biggest and smartest of companies and their strongest security efforts. People are vulnerable to password theft when they: use the same...

Current unemployment rate highest in Australia than peak of GFC

Is there security in being an employee? The Australian Bureau of Statistics recently announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to 6 percent; news that was probably met with a collective mopping of eyebrows and sighs of relief from the Abbott government which has...