903 WordPress – Hosting features (email accounts and file access)

Website Hosting Control Panel – email

Your website hosting control panel provides you with a large range of tools associated with your website. You can get stats about your website visitors, redirect old pages to new ones, install scripts (programs like WordPress) and much more, but most importantly your email accounts – yes, you now have the power to create your own email addresses. Learn how to manage your email accounts and email access.

  • Website Hosting – Control Panel
  • Website Hosting – Create an Email Account
  • Website Hosting – Setting up the Email Account on your computer
  • Website Hosting – Using your email address with webmail
  • Website Hosting – Email Catch-all, Forwarder and AutoResponders
  • Website Hosting – Website Statistics and logs

File Management and File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

As complicated as it may sound, FTP is really just another way to see the files on your website server (remote site) and transfer files between your local site (your PC) and your website. This section of videos takes you through some fundamentals of Windows based file management and USB drives and onto more advanced file management by logging onto our website and transferring files to it using a freely downloadable FTP application.
  • Internet Beginners – Download and install Google chrome browser
  • Internet Beginners – Download and install FileZilla FTP software
  • Windows File Management, C drive and USB drives
  • Windows File Management, C drive and USB drives – viewing image files part 1
  • Windows File Management, C drive and USB drives – viewing image files part 2
  • Windows File Management, C drive and USB drives – selecting & moving files
  • Windows File Management and FileZilla – remote and local sites
  • Themes and FTP – Finding and downloading WordPress premium themes – SimplePress
  • Themes and FTP – Installing a Theme from Elegant Themes using WordPress
  • Themes and FTP – Using FTP to move files to a website hosting account and install a theme

Website Statistics and Google Analytics

Statistics are one of the most important aspects of your website. It reveals how successful or not your website is and shows where people are coming from, which pages they are reading and what keywords they are using to find you. Website statistics give you the information you need to finely tune your website marketing to make it more and more relevant to your potential customers.
  • Website Statistics – Website Hosting statistics in your domain administration area
  • Website Statistics – Signing up for a Google Analytics Account