If you want to learn about Payroll using MYOB and Xero you’ll want to learn as much about the training company and course as possible – that’s why we offer a free sample.
But I’m writing today about how we use this strategy as a LEAD MAGNET to help us increase sales. Yes, it’s true – we only give this training manual away because we want to sell more of our Bookkeeping Courses.
Does that surprise you?
A Free sample is a lead magnet

Nothing is better than giving someone an example of your product. This concept is not new – chip companies have always given away samples of their new flavours. It helps to build brand awareness as well as get market research insights into what people like and don’t like.
In our modern world of digital marketing every business needs to get discovered, grow their brand and then make sales.
Sales is the most important part of the process but you have to get the other stuff right to be successful.
Follow the steps to receive your free Payroll course sample and see what you’ll be able to apply to your own business.
Learn how to create special offers and giveaways for your business

We’re writing this blog to remind you of our free samples and to encourage you to enrol into a paid course but we can also teach you how to do this stuff for your own business.
If you have a website you are half way there and our Google Ads Course for Beginners will teach you the next steps in the lead generation process to find new customers.
This process involves using several different digital marketing software tools, including:
- WordPress to create the website landing pages
- Lead capture using an online form builder
- Email marketing software like Aweber, Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor
- Google Ads to increase website visitors
Try before you buy
Free samples give you the chance to get some free training and interact with our support team at the same time. If you haven’t received the free Payroll course training materials, click here.
When you get your free sample you’ll have gone through a typical lead generation process that you can apply to your own business.
Sales pipeline
Digital marketing is quite passive once you set it up but you can be more pro-active in the selling process using a CRM and dedicated customer service once you receive a persons contact details.
Sales occurs at the end of the marketing process and even though the lines between marketing and sales have become blurred it tends to involve only people who are ready to buy now or very soon.
Digital Marketing Academy Courses

If you want to manage the digital marketing for your own business and save thousands of dollars in agency fees explore our Digital Marketing Academy Courses.
If you are spending thousands of dollars in Google Ads but not getting the results you’re probably missing an important step in the process. There are many steps you need to get just right before getting lots of website visitors by using Google Ads.
See the steps in the Digital Marketing Academy Courses.